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LG Electronics is applying for patent protection for a TV device that can trade NFTs. The device can connect to an NFT marketplace server, receive and display NFT preview images, and complete purchases through the user's encrypted cryptocurrency wallet connected to the TV. The device includes a display unit, sound output unit, communication unit for connecting to the NFT marketplace server, storage for the cryptocurrency wallet, and a control unit. The control unit can access the NFT marketplace server based on key information in the cryptocurrency wallet and display preview art data for digital artwork. Once a user makes a selection, a purchase transaction is generated based on key information in the cryptocurrency wallet. The device then receives the NFT status information for the selected digital artwork from the NFT marketplace server, including updated transaction details.

LG has been introducing NFTs into its TVs since last September and has launched an art experiment marketplace integrated with Hedera Network. LG has also become a node operator for the network. Samsung Electronics also plans to launch smart TVs in the first half of this year that can trade and display NFTs, with NFT applications from three companies, NFTGateway in the U.S., LaCollection in France, and ArtToken in Korea, built into the TVs. Samsung is also working on integrating virtual assets (such as cryptocurrency) and collaborating with NiftyGateway to develop the first smart TV NFT platform, covering high-end TV products like QLED and NeoQLED TVs in 2022. NiftyGateway will also provide a standalone app for TheFrame and MICROLED products, allowing users to browse and trade digital collections directly on Samsung TVs.

Source: myzaker

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