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Hello world BTC?

These days, I've been posting on my friends' circle asking them to invite me to join defi and farming groups. Now I'm in dozens of groups and it's a bit overwhelming. There's information everywhere.

Could you all please invite me to your groups? I want to see your projects and I'll promote them for free in my journal. You can add me on WeChat at helloworldbtc.

Don't underestimate my influence. The coverage of Wang Tuan's blockchain journal is extensive across various channels, such as Zhihu, Bihu, and Toutiao. My journal is distributed across dozens of channels, reaching a wide audience. Thousands of people read my journal every day.

These days, I have to keep my eyes wide open at night to digest and filter all this information. But having access to so much information can lead to some profits.

Let me share a small profit I made. Yesterday night, I heard in a group that someone used Sun Yuchen's JST for a funding platform. So I immediately went in and bought 20,000 yuan worth of JST. Now it has increased by 12%, earning me nearly 3,000 yuan. Enough for a late-night spa session.

If the market becomes stagnant, I will quickly sell my JST to secure my gains. I'm just playing around with this investment, not expecting to make big money.

Yesterday, someone commented on my journal saying that I'm out of ETH. They underestimate me. Last night, I sold 1.6 BTC and exchanged it for dozens of ETH, all of which I used to buy Yam2 on Uniswap. Taking a gamble on Yam2.

I hope I won't lose this bet. It's been a while since I played around with trading coins. Ah, I can still feel the nervous pounding in my heart.

I've joined so many groups and discovered many projects. If I were to buy one project every day, it would take me a month to buy them all. Don't even ask about the cost. It would take a long time, even if I blindly threw money at them. So, I've taken the time to summarize some of this information for your reference.

The projects in the ETH ecosystem, TRON ecosystem, and EOS ecosystem are popping up like dumplings every day.

ETH is the fastest, with dumplings being made every day in large quantities.

TRON is struggling a bit, with the dumplings being poorly made and not tasty. I guess Sun Yuchen is trying to figure things out.

EOS hasn't even finished wrapping the dumplings yet.

Lately, I've been buying randomly. It doesn't matter what the project is, if there's room for speculation and money-making potential, I'll buy it.

Sorry for the long message.

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