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Filecoin (FIL) mainnet is expected to launch around October 15th when the epoch block height reaches 148,888. After the mainnet launch, there will be a transitional period to ensure the smooth operation of the network. From October 19th to 23rd, a one-week launch event will be held.

This article analyzes the investment value of the IPFS secondary market from three aspects:

1. Issuance and release of FIL tokens.2. Analysis of FIL's demand value.3. Challenges faced by FIL and its potential future developments.

Issuance and release of FIL tokens:According to the official IPFS documentation on FIL's economic model, the total supply of FIL tokens is 2 billion. 70% of the tokens are allocated as mining rewards for providing data storage services, maintaining the blockchain, distributing data, and running contracts. The mining rewards will support various types of mining activities and will be halved every 6 years. 15% of the tokens are allocated to Protocol Labs, the organization responsible for development, and will be linearly released over 6 years. 10% of the tokens are allocated for private and public fundraising, of which 7.5% has already been sold through private and public offerings.

FIL's current circulating supply:Calculating FIL's exact circulating supply is challenging due to the network's benchmark and linear decay mining model, as well as the linear unlocking of tokens from fundraising. According to the calculations by Tony from the "IPFS Origin Force" community, the estimated circulating supply of FIL in its first year will

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