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Filecoin is currently in the Calibration testing network calibration period. During this period, miners can debug and calibrate their devices in a real competitive environment and see how their performance affects the ranking.

Before the upcoming test, the official has also been releasing various messages more frequently. Every move of Filecoin constantly attracts market attention.

On July 31st, an official Slack representative of Filecoin stated that the specific start date of the testnet rewards program depends on the improvement progress of order success rate and network congestion. The key indicator for the success rate is if most miners have not reached 75% by August 12th, the official expects to start the rewarding test for qualified miners on August 12th.

Accessing the calibration network, being the first to mine blocks, and ranking first are coveted achievements.

Everyone's mining farm actively participated in the Calibration test. On August 1st Beijing time, the Calibration network was officially reset. After the reset, Everyone's mining farm used the testing miner number with the label RRM to access the Calibration network through the Athena mining pool, became the first to mine blocks, and ranked second only to the official account.

From this test, Everyone's mining farm believes that the defense mechanism and reward mechanism of the IPFS network still need improvement. It is expected that the Calibration calibration period may be extended for the following two main reasons.

1. In order to correspond to the rewarding test, the FIL economic model went online for the first time, which led to some bugs in the latest Calibration. For example, miners commonly encounter issues such as insufficient collateral, failed resubmission of proof messages, message congestion, and failure to encapsulate computing power. FIL officials are currently debugging and modifying the code.

2. Due to security reasons, the delay of the encapsulation test for 60 minutes resulted in a large number of messages blocking the network. In addition, hackers launched targeted attacks against the gas processing bug in the Calibration network, severely obstructing the test.

Overall, this delay is not intentional by the official. As the first open global distributed storage network in human history, IPFS has achieved great difficulty. However, it has also reached the final stage. Therefore, it is not appropriate to go online hastily, which reflects the official's caution and value for the testnet rewards.

With the upcoming launch of the mainnet, more issues will be exposed. Discovering bugs does not mean bad things. The Filecoin official has always pursued a pragmatic and rigorous style, striving for perfection. From the definition of the "calibration period" provided by the official and the Filecoin BUG bounty program, it can be seen that the official wants the Filecoin network to go online as perfectly as possible.

Currently, the economic model data has become gradually clear. After the introduction of the economic model, the official's code has undergone significant changes. Companies with insufficient research and development capabilities can't keep up with the speed of network iteration. In the near future, the Calibration network will be reset again to solve the gas attack problem, and each company's algorithm code will be adjusted and optimized accordingly.

Everyone's mining farm accesses the Athena mining pool and adopts a cluster mining pool solution, breaking down the mining process as much as possible in every aspect from hardware configuration to algorithms for optimization. High operation and maintenance capabilities bring stability to the entire mining pool cluster. From the Calibration test network after the second reset, it can be seen that RRM is present in almost every block, demonstrating the stability of mining.

Furthermore, at block height 1552, Everyone's mining farm became the only large miner with over 100TB computing power in the Calibration network and simultaneously reached the official requirement of a 75% order success rate, becoming the first major miner to meet the rewarding test conditions.

Although IPFS is currently in the early stage of the market, the fierce market elimination competition has already begun. In the future, companies without key core technologies, strong self-developed research capabilities, and substantial financial strength will be eliminated. In the global ecosystem of IPFS, those who play with black-box miners without openness and transparency will be eliminated, and those without a mature training system and operation and maintenance capabilities will also be eliminated.

Everyone's mining farm has been operating for three years, accumulating independent core technologies, and leading in multiple rounds of testing data. After going through multiple verifications, no matter how the official network iterates, Everyone's mining farm can closely follow the f

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上一篇 2023年08月11日
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