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Dimitra Incorporated (DMTR) is entering the agricultural lending market by providing small loans to 570 million farmers worldwide through its proprietary agricultural management platform, Dimitra. The platform offers loans in three areas: crop inputs, livestock, and trade financing. Dimitra aims to provide access to capital for those who cannot obtain it and offer banking services to those without bank accounts.

The loans provided by Dimitra offer small farmers the opportunity to secure loans by pledging their crops through crop certificates (a ticket associated with the harvest). These loans can be used for inputs (seeds, fertilizers, and chemicals) and then repaid at the time of harvest and sale of the crops to the market. Please continue reading for a step-by-step guide on how these small loans work.

Loan Plan Basics:1. Dimitra signs agreements with cooperatives, farmer unions, and agricultural associations. Each farmer in these cooperatives can access Dimitra's basic application. The cooperatives or lending institutions will retain default insurance for their members.

2. Farmers begin registering their livestock or crops in the mobile farmer application.

3. The data collected through the application helps determine loan approvals. The application allows farmers to join Dimitra's farmer loyalty program and helps track and trace their livestock and products.

4. Farmers who are members of partner cooperatives apply for loans through the Dimitra Connected Farmer application, which meets the KYC requirements for loan providers. Loan approval is automated.

5. Farmers purchase seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, and other agricultural needs.

6. Farmers use the Dimitra Connected Farmer application to maximize yields, lower costs, and mitigate risks.

7. Farmers harvest and sell their crops.

8. Farmers repay the loans with interest.

The following scenario directly applies to trade financing transactions. Consider what would happen if farmers could produce the crops needed for the whole season but were waiting for payment from exporters or external suppliers.

Trade Financing:1. Farmers harvest and apply for trade financing loans while waiting for payment from export customers.

2. Export customers agree to make payment when they receive the crops, and farmers receive 80% of their crop invoice.

3. Export customers receive the goods and then make payments to Dimitra through smart contracts.

4. Dimitra coordinates fees and interest with the farmers, allowing them to receive the balance of their earnings.

Trade financing methods mitigate payment and supply risks for both the farmers of export goods and the customers of import goods by introducing Dimitra as a third party. Dimitra provides accelerated accounts receivable for farmers and extends credit to customers. By integrating finance and agriculture, and incorporating more parts into the supply chain, Dimitra provides more business opportunities for farmers and customers of export goods.

Each loan partner will have access to the portal or application integration to help manage members and track every step, from loan approval to delivery and finally payment. Additionally, Dimitra will create complete transparency for all parties involved by integrating more stakeholders into the system through trade financing.

Dimitra is a global agri-tech company with a mission to assist small farmers worldwide. Dimitra collaborates with governments, governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, and for-profit organizations. The Dimitra platform is built on blockchain technology and integrates mobile technology, machine learning, IoT devices, satellite and drone imagery, genomics, and advanced agricultural research. Through our data-driven approach, Dimitra helps farmers increase yields, reduce costs, and mitigate risks.

Dimitra believes that every small farmer, regardless of economic status, should benefit from simple, beautiful, and useful technology.

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