以太坊创始人:从Vitalik Buterin到V神




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VitalikButerin is known as the co-founder of Ethereum, one of the largest blockchain networks in the world. He is currently 28 years old and has Russian and Canadian heritage. He is also a programmer and writer. He excelled in his early studies but dropped out after receiving a $100,000 scholarship. He first got involved in cryptocurrencies, specifically Bitcoin, at the age of 17, with his father as his mentor. In 2013, he published a whitepaper about Ethereum, which gained significant attention. Since then, he has gained global recognition and received numerous awards. Recently, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Basel Bern Business School. Vitalik Buterin is a leading figure in the global cryptocurrency space.

Most revolutionary ideas usually have a figurehead, someone who gives orders and acts as a spokesperson. The term "leader" seems fitting for such individuals. Cryptocurrencies are no exception. Today, cryptocurrencies can be considered one of the most revolutionary concepts in the world. As a product of blockchain technology, it has found applications in every industry and has disrupted the global financial system. Many well-known individuals have adopted cryptocurrency technology, but at the same time, ordinary people like Vitalik Buterin have also become involved. This article will delve into his achievements and why he is one of the top figures in the unofficial cryptocurrency realm.

Vitalik Buterin's Childhood

Vitalik Buterin was born on January 31, 1984, in Russia to parents who were computer scientists. He lived there for six years before his family immigrated to Canada in search of a better life. After his father and mother separated, his father remarried, and Vitalik gained two half-sisters. Vitalik's programmer father, Dmitry, introduced him to technology at a young age. He encouraged his son to become proficient in computers, a passion that paid off early on. At the age of four, Vitalik created macros for Excel, and two years later, he created his own virtual universe on the platform. When they moved to Canada, he continued to study computer languages. At the age of ten, he wrote his first program in C++ and developed a game called "Tutorial."

Vitalik's Educational Journey

Vitalik was enrolled in a gifted children's program in elementary school. He was drawn to mathematics, programming, and economics, showing immense potential in these areas. He then attended a private high school, where he displayed a great thirst for knowledge. He went on to college, where he took advanced courses and worked as a research assistant for a prolific cryptographer.

Vitalik's Encounter with Cryptocurrencies

As early as the age of 17, Vitalik's father introduced him to cryptocurrencies through Bitcoin. His interest in Bitcoin grew, and he wanted to delve deeper into the field, but he faced some limitations. First, he was unable to mine tokens due to a lack of computational power or funds to purchase tokens. However, he did not let these limitations deter his lofty ambitions in the cryptocurrency field. In 2011, he started writing articles about Bitcoin on an online blog called "Bitcoin Weekly" and earned 5 BTC (roughly equivalent to $3.50 at the time). He continued until the website shut down due to limited revenue. His articles caught the attention of Romanian Bitcoin enthusiast Mihai Alisie. In September of the same year, they collaborated to co-found Bitcoin Magazine. Vitalik became a co-founder of the magazine and continued his writing work. As he spent a considerable amount of time focused on his newly founded Bitcoin Magazine and related work, he decided to drop out of school. Hence, Vitalik's decision to drop out was not a spontaneous one but a well-thought-out choice.

Vitalik and Ethereum

Armed with his vast knowledge, Vitalik traveled the world, dedicating ample time and expertise to studying several cryptocurrency projects. His conclusion was that these projects were largely repetitive without any significant innovation. With his own ideas on how to improve them, he embarked on entrepreneurship and founded Ethereum. In late 2013, he wrote a whitepaper about Ethereum, sharing it with a few friends who then passed it on to others. This resulted in Vitalik assembling a team of like-minded individuals and established the foundation for Ethereum, affirming that his ideas were valid and had a high probability of success. In less than a year, they refined Ethereum's vision, transforming it from a straightforward digital currency to a decentralized platform. Vitalik showcased Ethereum at a Bitcoin conference in the United States, further boosting its mainstream acceptance.

Vitalik Buterin's Future Plans for Ethereum

Vitalik Buterin plans to keep Ethereum at the forefront of technological advancement. Starting with ETH2, which is a simple upgrade to ETH (Ethereum version 1), ETH2 aims to make Ethereum faster, more scalable, and cost-effective. Additionally, Ethereum plans to venture into the metaverse realm. One notable development in this area is the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) model, which provides Web3 usernames for decentralized websites.

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